Thursday 10 June 2010

Today's Blog

Hello to my three followers, and anyone else who might be reading!

I've had a lazy day, as we all do sometimes. Spent the majority of it trawling Blogspot for blogs related to the hospitality and wedding industry and I must say, I found some pretty impressive ones.

This is fantastic blog maintained by Kelly McWilliams. Some of the weddings on here are beautiful and perfectly executed.

This blog seems to focus on more alternative wedding ideas and gifts. I love it.

This man is a genius. And I can relate to him on so many levels. Worth a read to anyone in the industry. I will be showing it my university tutor!

I find some of the concepts on here truly inspiring!

On another note, I am off to the Taste of London festival next Thursday! Completely unrelated to wedding planning I know but I think it's going to be a fantastic trip. We are constantly encouraged to visit industry events and network so this should prove to be an ideal opportunity. I'll be adding a review of the event when I get back =)

I have also potentially been offered some work experience in the wedding game! A newly established wedding company has asked me to help out for the day during a wedding planned for September in Newquay, Cornwall. I think this will be interesting and really beneficial in developing my knowledge of this sector. Exciting things ahead!

Thanks all =)

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