Sunday 13 June 2010


Hello all =)

Well the Plymouth Megaride was fan-bloody-tastic! Great turn out again this year, perhaps not as many bikes as last year but still very impressive.

The great thing about the rideout is not zooming about at 100mph (although you do of course get riders occasionally nipping past), it's more the terrific atmosphere that is generated by the thousands of bikers and all the supporters that come to watch.

This was my third time at the event and it always amazes how supportive and excited the crowds are. It's the one day of the year when there are more bikes on the road than cars, personally I think this should always be the way but we can't have everything.

Due to the horrifically early start this morning, I was mostly still asleep when we left and therefore forgot my camera. However, there were several photographers dotted about throughout the event so when I find some photos, I'll let you see them on here =)

I have an informal interview next month hopefully with my Newquay wedding planner, rather excited about it now! Although after the Megaride today, I think I shall set up a burger van instead of becoming a wedding planner, seems logical; sell cheapy nasty burgers for £5 a go, a few times a year and make a bomb! We even saw one chap with a portable BBQ in the back of his van! Now, there's an entrepreneur in the making.

And it's officially only 4 sleeps until Laaaandan!

Good times all round :)

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